
AAEA 2019 新增 5 位 Fellow + 2位华人Fellow 简介

三农学术 2022-12-31


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2019 年 AAEA 新增了 5 位 Fellow,分别是:

  • Mary Bohman, Bureau of Economic Analysis

  • Kevin Boyle, Virginia Tech

  • Matin Qaim, University of Goettingen

  • Ian Sheldon,  Ohio State University

  • Wallace Tyner, Purdue University

Mary Bohman has held senior leadership positions in the U.S. Federal Statistical system and the Department of Agriculture including almost 7 years as Administrator of the Economic Research Service (ERS). Mary’s accomplishments reflect the talents and dedication of her ERS colleagues who produce high quality research, analysis and statistics that inform policy decisions.

Kevin Boyle, Virginia Tech Professor of Agricultural and Applied Economics and Willis and Mary Blackwood Director of the Program in Real Estate, has made outstanding contributions in research, teaching and service to support evidence-based decision-making. He has demonstrated exemplary leadership throughout his career and is internationally recognized for his development and advancement of non-market valuation methods, contributing theoretical and empirical rigor to transform stated- and revealed-preference methods.

Matin Qaim is Professor of International Food Economics and Rural Development at the University of Goettingen, Germany. He is a world-leading researcher on food security and sustainable development, best known for his seminal work on the economics of agricultural biotechnology, food value chains, and agriculture-nutrition linkages. With 150 journal articles, four books, and 45 book chapters (as of February 2019) he is one of the best published scholars on these topics. In 2018, Qaim was elected member of the German National Academy of Sciences; he is one of the first agricultural economists who has ever received this honor. His work was also recognized through several national and international science prizes.

Ian Sheldon grew up in the United Kingdom, studying economics at the University of Salford in Greater Manchester, earning his BSc and PhD degrees in 1978 and 1981 respectively. After graduating he was a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) before he moved to the University of Exeter where he served as a lecturer in agricultural economics and economics from 1982 to 1990.  Following a short period as a Visiting Professor, he became an Associate Professor at the Ohio State University in 1990, where he currently holds the Andersons Chair in Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Policy.

Wallace Tyner is the James and Lois Ackerman Professor of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University. He has made important contributions to the profession in three main areas: energy and climate policy and biofuels, trade and development in the Middle East/North Africa and other areas, and professional leadership. His research seamlessly intertwines economic research and policy analysis with extraordinary impacts. Tyner has over 350 total publications including 115 research journal articles, 3 books, 25 reviewed book chapters, and 65 extension papers including many refereed extension papers.

根据AAEA网站的信息,AAEA从1957年起开始每年遴选Fellow,近几年每年都是新增5位。目前共有2位华人学者荣获了AAEA Fellow的称号,即黄季焜教授、吴俊杰教授,2位学者都是在2016年获得这一最高荣誉Fellow称号的。

黄季焜教授现就职于北京大学现代农学院,发展中国家科学院院士,教育部“长江学者”特聘教授。黄老师之前就职于中科院地理所,其团队“中国农业政策研究中心”(CCAP) 发表了大量有影响的国内外论文,CCAP简直是长江学者的摇篮:有5位长江学者(黄季焜、马恒运、仇焕广、白军飞、徐志刚)曾就职于CCAP;长江学者、AAEA Fellow 罗斯高(Scott Rozelle)与CCAP有大量长期合作。2018年4月起,黄老师在江西农业大学挂职担任副校长,为期两年。

吴俊杰(Junjie Wu)教授现任美国俄勒冈州立大学资源与农业经济系教授,农业与环境政策中心主任。主要研究领域包括:环境与资源经济学、农业经济学、区域与城市经济学、经济地理。2004–2007 担任AJAE的副主编、2013-2018任AJAE的主编,2012-2015任Journal of Regional Science 的副主编。吴老师以“长江讲座教授”、“中美富布莱特学者”、中国人民大学海外兼职学者等身份,与中国人民大学环境学院有长期合作。

AAEA Fellow、美国密歇根州立大学农业经济系教授 Thomas Reardon 更是以“千人计划”的身份,在人大农发学院全职工作了一段时间。

历年AAEA Fellow的具体信息请访问:





  1. AAEA 2019 China Section Program 【转】

  2. 刘承芳 当选 AAEA China section chair-elect 【转】

  3. AAEA 2019 主席致辞 | 作为应用经济学典型代表的农业经济学:大数据与大议题【转】

  4. AAEA主席 David Zilberman 获2019年沃尔夫农业奖

  5. 美国农业经济学杂志(AJAE)百年变迁史及启示

  6. AAEA Choice 专辑《中美贸易冲突对农业的潜在影响》文章5篇

  7. AAEA Invited Paper Sessions at  ASSA 2019【转】

  8. AAEA 2018 年会 中国专场论文一览

